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Content marketing can help business owners succeed in many ways. By publishing articles, blog posts, videos, infographics and other types of content online, business owners can reach a larger audience and sell more products or services. Additionally, content marketing builds trust and authority. When users encounter high-quality content published by a business, they’ll view that business as being an expert in its field. To take full advantage of this digital marketing tactic, though, business owners should update their content marketing strategy on a regular basis.


#1) Content Isn’t Reaching the Right Audience


Content marketing is only effective if it reaches the right audience. When publishing content, business owners should target users who are most likely to buy their products or services. If a business owner is unable to reach these users, he or she should update their update their strategy so that they can reach these users.


#2) The Results Aren’t Measurable


Analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) is an important step in content marketing. If a content marketing strategy doesn’t support measurable metrics, it may hinder the business owner’s ability to succeed using this tactic. An effective content marketing strategy should provide the business owner with clear, measurable metrics like click-through rate (CTR), average view time, number of unique visits, number of returning visits and conversion rate.


#3) It Involves a Single Channel


Business owners shouldn’t limit their content marketing strategy to a single channel. According to a study by Nielsen, 89 percent of consumers view media on a smartphone or mobile device. If a business owner’s content marketing strategy doesn’t include mobile channels, he or she won’t reach these users.


#4) There’s Too Much Competition


Competition isn’t always bad. On the contrary, it drives innovation while creating an open and fair marketplace in the process. For content marketing, though, too much competition can make it difficult for business owners to convey their message. If a business owner is competing with dozens of other businesses to publish content, he or she should consider a new approach. Publishing content on a different platform or targeting a different demographic of users with a new message can help business owners differentiate from their competitors.


#5) Low or Negative ROI


Finally, a low or negative return on investment (ROI) is a telltale sign that a business owner should update his or her content marketing strategy. If a business owner is spending more money creating and promoting content online that the revenue those efforts yield, he or she should reevaluate their strategy.


As media consumption increases, especially on mobile devices, business owners will continue to use content marketing to grow their business. The secret to content marketing success, however, is to adapt and optimize a content marketing strategy according to the business’s needs.