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The web is flooded with websites, blogs, and social media accounts that have sports management information. While some can give a reader incredible insight, others are wildly inaccurate. In this article, three blogs that give the best sports management information on the web are discussed. They’ll all have incredible information, up-to-the minute updates, and accurate data that you can use for your next project. Let’s get started with number one:


1) Sports Business Daily


This may be the most respected blog of professionals in the sports management industry. Whatever the most recent news is, readers can expect to find it here first. They even have information on the most recent sport sponsorship campaigns. If you’re starting your own campaign, Sports Business Daily has a wealth of information that can help you get started. They also have a weekly journal, and readers are invited to subscribe to it so that they never miss an issue. The only downfall to Sports Business Daily is that they require you to make an account, but this is certainly worth it as the blog is a gold mine.


2) Sports Business Today


Sports Business Today is run by the respected industry professional Shane Harmon. After being a reader of sports business stories and articles for some time, Shane decided to join the industry, and has had incredible success ever since. The claim to fame for this blog is that it provides deep insight into a lot of current news relating to sports business. For instance, one of his more recent posts was about how sports technology start-up companies are making use of accelerators and incubators. For anyone who’s looking for deep insight into the most recent sports business news, Sports Business Today is a must-read.


3) Digital Sport


Digital Sport is worth checking out for a few reasons. It’s a British website, so readers will get a different perspective. There are plenty of interviews with insiders and success stories to learn from. They also include raw statistics so that you can conduct your own analysis.


When looking for sports management information online, readers need to be careful that they’re getting their information from quality sources. The three blogs listed above are some of the best in the industry, and should be at the top of any reader’s list.